About us

NoFirstUse Global is a platform and a network of organizations, academics, policy makers and civil society advocates working cooperatively for adoption of no-first-use policies by nuclear-armed States, support for such policies from nuclear allied and non-nuclear countries, and the implementation of such policies to help achieve broader nuclear risk-reduction, non-proliferation and disarmament goals.

Co-founding organizations

A working group of Abolition 2000, the global civil society network for the elimination of nuclear weapons. The working group promotes measures to reduce the risks of nuclear weapons being used and to lower the role of nuclear weapons in security doctrines. These include de-alerting, eliminating launch on warning, lowering threat postures and adopting policies of no-first-use and/or sole purpose.

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Basel Peace Office is a coalition established by five Swiss and four international organizations to advance the peace and security of a nuclear-weapon-free world. Basel Peace Office makes connections between inter-related issues – including peace, the climate, nuclear disarmament, human rights and sustainable development – and builds cooperation amongst key constituencies including mayors, parliamentarians, religious leaders, academics, youth/students, women, lawyers, medical professionals, government officials and UN entities. Basel Peace Office is a member of the EU Non-proliferation Consortium.

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Beyond the Bomb is a people-powered United States campaign working to free the planet from nuclear violence. Key issues advanced by Beyond the Bomb include no-first-use; ending the sole authority of the President to launch a nuclear war; cutting the nuclear weapons budgets and redirecting these to supporting education, welfare and infrastructure; increasing federal support for clean-up of toxic waste left from decades of nuclear weapons production and testing; and enacting restorative justice for communities impacted  by nuclear arms production and testing.

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L’association Initiatives pour le Désarmement Nucléaire (IDN) works for the progressive and balanced elimination of nuclear weapons from the planet, to help build a more secure world. Its action is part of a more general reflection on the strategic challenges of the beginning of the 21st century and on France’s ability to ensure its territorial security while continuing to influence the course of the world.

Peace Depot is a non-profit, independent peace research, education and information institution which aims to build a security system that does not rely on military power. Peace Depot has a strong focus on nuclear risk reduction and disarmament, including promotion of a regional North-East Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone. Peace Depot serves as the Japan and North-East Asia coordinating office for Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND).

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People For Nuclear Disarmament (PND) is an organization dedicated to eliminating the threat of nuclear war. As a group we have been active in Australia since 1960 and have a significant presence in the world’s disarmament movement. PND plays a lead role to advance nuclear risk reduction globally through the NPT meetings and the UN General Assembly, and through direct advocacy to the governments and legislatures of nuclear armed countries.

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PragueVision Institute for Sustainable Security is a Czech independent non-governmental organisation established to advocate policies that provide the best conditions for fostering global peace and human security. The institute engages with international networks and forums and aims to encourage the Czech Republic to adopt and implement sustainable security policies.

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The World Future Council (WFC) was established to promote effective policies to ensure a peaceful and sustainable future.  WFC consists of 50 eminent global change-makers from governments, parliaments, civil society, academia, the arts and business who have already successfully created change. They are supported by a staff of experts that work with the concillors to identify, develop, highlight and spreading effective, future-just solutions for current challenges humanity is facing.

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The countries that have created nuclear weapon free zones are providing important examples of how to enhance security without recourse to nuclear arms. But they are recklessly endangered by the first-use policies of many of the nuclear armed states, who criminally neglect their obligation to pursue negotiations on nuclear disarmament. Zona Libre works to ensure that the nuclear enslaved world learns from and follows the lead of the nuclear free world.


Participating organizations

List in formation

  • Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire (France)
  • African Network of Young Leaders for Peace and Sustainable Development (Benin)
  • Agir pour la Paix (Belgium)
  • All Souls Nuclear Disarmament Task Force (USA)
  • American Voices Abroad Berlin (Germany)
  • Aotearoa Lawyers for Peace (New Zealand)
  • Atomic Reporters (Austria/International)
  • Baltimore Nonviolence Center (USA)
  • Bike for Peace (Norway/International)
  • Blue Banner (Mongolia)
  • Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (Canada)
  • Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (Canada)
  • Centre de Recherche et d’Information pour le Désarmement et la Sécurité (Belgium)
  • Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center (Japan)
  • Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (India)
  • Danish National Group of Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs (Denmark)
  • Danish Peace Academy (Denmark)
  • Detente Now! / Neue Entspannungspolitik JETZT! (Germany)
  • Environmentalists Against War (USA)
  • G100 – Group of 100 Global Women Leaders, Defence and Security Wing (India/International)
  • Gensuikin (Japan)
  • Global Directions (Australia)
  • Global Security Institute (USA)
  • The Global Sunrise Project (Canada)
  • Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action  (USA)
  • Groupe de recherche sur la paix et la sécurité – GRIP (Belgium)
  • Hawai’i Institute for Human Rights (USA)
  • Human Survival Project (Australia)
  • ICV (Investment Community Visibility) Group (USA)
  • Initiatives pour le désarmement nucléaire (France)
  • International Fellowship of Reconciliation – Austrian Branch (Austria)
  • International Forum for Understanding (UK)
  • International Peace Research Institute Meiji Gakuin University – PRIME (Japan)
  • International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War – IPPNW Canada (Canada)
  • International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War – IPPNW Norway (Norway)
  • International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War – IPPNW Poland (Poland)
  • Iron Curtain Foundation (Czech Republic)
  • Kingston Peace Council/CND (UK)
  • LABRATS Legacy of the Atom Bomb, Recognition for Atomic Test Survivors (UK/International)
  • Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns (USA)
  • National Alliance of Anti-nuclear Movements (India)
  • Nuclear Free Schools (USA)
  • Normandy Chair for Peace (France)
  • Norske leger mot atomvåpen – IPPNW Norway (Norway)
  • NuclearWakeUpCall.Earth (USA)
  • Pax Christi Scotland (Scotland)
  • Pax Christi USA (USA)
  • Peace Action (USA)
  • Peace Action Maine (USA)
  • Peace Women Across the Globe (Switzerland/International)
  • Physicians for Social Responsibility / IPPNW Switzerland (Switzerland)
  • Pugwash Canada Group (Canada)
  • Pugwash France (France)
  • Pugwash Japan (Japan)
  • Pugwash Norway (Norway)
  • Scientists for Global Responsibility (Australia)
  • Scientists for Global Responsibility (UK)
  • Spanish Society for International Human Rights Law (Spain)
  • Sydney Peace & Justice Coalition (Australia)
  • Tri-Valley CAREs (USA)
  • Turkish Council of Women (Turkey)
  • United Nations Youth Associations Network (International)
  • United Religions Initiative (USA/International)
  • Uniting for Peace (UK)
  • Veterans for Peace (USA)
  • Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons (USA/International)
  • War Prevention Initiative (USA)
  • We, The World (USA/International)
  • Women Against War (USA)
  • Women for Peace and Ecology (Germany)
  • Women’s Action for New Directions (USA)
  • World Academy of Arts and Science (International)
  • World Conference on Religion and Peace (Japan/International)
  • World Federalist Movement Canada (Canada)
  • World’s Youth for Climate Justice (International)
  • Youth Fusion (International)


NoFirstUse Global is hosted by PragueVision Institute for Sustainable Security. Basel Peace Office serves as the fiscal host.

Mailing address:
Ostrovského 253/3
Suite 4061
150 00, Prague 5
Czech Republic