NoFirstUse Global calls for action to ‘Turn Back the Doomsday Clock.’

(Read in French) Nuclear armed and allied states must ‘Turn Back the Doomsday Clock’, according to a call made today (January 29, 2025) in Geneva by NoFirstUse Global, a coalition of over 90 organizations from nuclear-armed, nuclear allied and non-nuclear countries around the world. The call was made to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva […]
States Parties to the TPNW welcome the G20 affirmation of the inadmissibility of nuclear weapons use and threats, and call for action to reinforce it.

By Aaron Tovish, Steering Committee Member, NoFirstUse Global States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), meeting in New York from 27 November to 1 December 2023, adopted a declaration Our commitment to upholding the prohibition of nuclear weapons and averting their catastrophic consequences in which, amongst other things, they applauded […]
NPT States parties call for No-First-Use policies

Photo: Ambassador Jarmo Viinanen (Finland), Chair of the 2023 NPT Prep Com. Amid heightened risks of nuclear war by crisis escalation, miscalculation, accident or intent, a growing number of States parties to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) – including China and the New Agenda Coalition – have called on the nuclear-armed and allied states to […]
Nuclear Taboo from Norm to Law presented to the NPT Prep Com

As nuclear threats remain high from high tensions and/or armed conflict in Europe, East Asia and globally, States Parties to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty are meeting for two weeks (July 31-August 11) at the UN in Vienna in a Preparatory Committee Meeting (NPT Prep Com) for the 2026 NPT Review Conference. Today, at a special […]
G7 Hiroshima Summit backtracks on norm against nuclear weapons

NoFirstUse Global will push on to the NPT, G20 Delhi Summit and UN General Assembly to affirm and implement the norm Leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK and USA, who met in Hiroshima for the G7 Summit from May 19-21, adopted the G7 Leaders’ Hiroshima Vision on Nuclear Disarmament which reaffirmed commitments to […]
G7 Hiroshima Summit should reaffirm the Nuclear Taboo

Declaration of Public Conscience submitted to the G7 Summit in Hiroshima Leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK and USA, who are meeting in Hiroshima for the G7 Summit this week, should reaffirm the global norm against nuclear war and help make this norm part of accepted international law, according to a Declaration of […]
Former (nuclear) Naval Commander calls for UK conventional forces – not nuclear – to deter and address aggression

Commander Forsyth: Endorser of Nuclear Taboo: From Norm to Law, a Declaration of Public Conscience Commander Robert Forsyth (Royal Navy retired) has called on the United Kingdom to respond realistically to today’s military threats – including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – by adopting a policy of no-first-use of nuclear weapons, downsizing the nation’s nuclear forces […]
Launch of Nuclear Taboo: From Norm to Law

Launch of Nuclear Taboo: From Norm to Law, A Declaration of Public Conscience. On November 17, 2022, the G20 Leaders meeting in Bali (including leaders or foreign ministers of China, France, India, Russia, UK and USA) surprised the world by agreeing that “The threat of use or use of nuclear weapons is inadmissible” and including […]
Breakthrough at the G20 Summit: Leaders of nuclear weapon and allied states affirm the inadmissibility of nuclear weapons threat or use.

NoFirstUse Global releases follow-up briefing paper: Nuclear weapons non-use BREAKTHROUGH! From taboo since 1945, to normative law as of 2022. 2022 has witnessed many setbacks in the field of nuclear disarmament, but there is one important exception. The status of nuclear weapon use has received a major upgrade from taboo to normative law through two […]
Dear Putin: Hiroshima & Nagasaki nuclear bombings were illegal – not a precedent for a nuclear attack.

NoFirstUse Global sends a letter to President Putin and the Russian people countering Putin’s claim that the United States established a precedent for nuclear attack through their use of nuclear weapons against Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. On September 30, in his speech in the Kremlin announcing the annexation of four Ukrainian regions – Luhansk, […]