Fulfil the NPT: From nuclear threats to human security

Invitation to endorse an international Open Letter to the 10th Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, August 2022.

In August, 2022, the States Parties to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) will meet in-person at the United Nations in New York for the 10th NPT Review Conference

This is one of the most important inter-governmental events on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament to take place since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. 191 States are Parties to the NPT, including five of the nuclear armed States. The Treaty includes obligations on both non-proliferation and disarmament. The NPT Review Conferences provide an opportunity to move governments to take action on implementing these obligations. The last NPT Review Conference was held in 2015.

NoFirstUse Global invites you to endorse Fulfil the NPT: From nuclear threats to human security, an Open Letter to the States Parties of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. (Also available in French and Italian and Spanish)

The Open Letter, which was released for endorsement at the global event The United Nations and the Climate Nuclear Disarmament Nexus on October 28, calls on the nuclear weapon States and others States Parties to the NPT to:

  • End the nuclear arms race;
  • Phase out the role of nuclear weapons in security policies starting with no-first-use policies;
  • Commit to a timeframe for the elimination of nuclear weapons;
  • Shift budgets and public investments from the nuclear weapons industry to instead support public health, climate stabilization and sustainable development.

Fulfil the NPT: From nuclear threats to human security

“Nuclear weapons threaten current and future generations. The security they may have provided in the 20th Century has no place in the world of today and tomorrow, which is struggling to address the COVID pandemic, stabilise the climate, resolve national and international conflicts in peaceful ways, protect cyberspace, and advance human security and the sustainable development goals. It is time to start phasing out the role of nuclear weapons in security doctrines and develop a practical plan to achieve the peace and security of a nuclear-weapon-free world.”
Excerpt from Fulfil the NPT: From nuclear threats to human security, An Open Letter to the States Parties of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty

NoFirstUse Global will send the endorsed Open Letter to the nuclear-weapon States and other members of the NPT on January 24, 2022, and re-present it to them at the NPT Review Conference, as part of a range of advocacy efforts to ensure progress on this vital issue for current and future generations.

Current endorsers of the appeal include:

  • Ambassador Libran Cabactulan (Philippines). Former Philippines Ambassador. President of the 2010 NPT Review Conference;
  • Maria Fernanda Espinosa (Ecuador) Former President of the UN General Assembly. Member, World future Council. Member, Group of Women Leaders for Change and Inclusion;
  • Prof. Sergey Kolesnikov (Russia). Russian Academy of Sciences. Former Co-President of IPPNW and Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament;
  • Jane Goodall (UK). Primatologist. UN Mesenger for Peace;
  • Prof. Giorgio Parisi, (Italy). Professor of Physics, University of Rome. Nobel Prize in Physics 2021;
  • Mairead Corrigan Maguire (Ireland), Founder of Peace People. 1976 Nobel Peace Laureate;
  • Ambassador Thomas Graham (USA), Head of the United States Delegation to the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference;
  • Bishop Gunnar Stålsett (Norway). Honorary President, Religions for Peace. Former Vice Chair Nobel Peace Prize Committee;
  • Jan Kavan (Czech Republic). Former Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic. Former President of the UN General Assembly;
  • Ambassador Rolf Ekéus (Sweden). Chairman emeritus of the Board, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Former Head of the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspections Commission (UNMOVIC);
  • Terumi Tanaka (Japan). Nagasaki bomb survivor. Secretary-General, Hidankyo Organisation of Atomic and Hydrogen Bomb Sufferers;
  • Helen Caldicott (Australia). Founder, Physicians for Social Responsibilty. Founder, Women’s Action for Nuclear Disarmament;
  • Peter Wilk (USA), Administrative Chair. Back from the Brink Coalition;
  • Leah Bolger (USA). President, World BEYOND War. Former Naval Commander. Former President of Veterans for Peace;
  • Karsten D. Voigt (Germany) Former president of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly;
  • Commander Robert Forsyth (UK), Retired Royal Navy Nuclear Submarine Commander;
  • Daniel Ellsberg (USA). Whistleblower – The Pentagon Papers. Author, The Doomsday Machine. Right Livelihood Laureate;
  • Chung-in Moon (Republic of Korea). Vice Chairman, Asia Pacific Leadership Network. Former Special Adviser of National Security and Foreign Affairs to the ROK President;
  • Prof. Frank N von Hippel (USA). Professor of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University;
  • Admiral Laxminarayan Ramdas (India). Former Chief of Staff of the Indian Navy;
  • Dr. Vladimir Kozin (Russian Federation), Member, Russian Academy of Military Sciences; 
  • Carlo Trezza (Italy), Former Italian Ambassador to the UN Conference on Disarmament in Geneva;
  • Dr. Jacques Bordé (France), Vice-President of Pugwash France;
  • Dr Sharon Gustafsson (Sweden), Member of the Swedish Physicians Against Nuclear War and Swedish Women for Peace;
  • Kevin  Martin (USA), President of Peace Action;
  • Martin Fleck (USA). Director, Nuclear Weapons Abolition Program, Physicians for Social Responsibility;
  • Hon Matthew Robson (New Zealand), Former NZ Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control;
  • Robin Lloyd (USA), Co-Chair, Disarm/End Wars Committee of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom US;
  • Dr. Abdul Hameed Nayyar (Pakistan), Retired Physicist
  • Carol Gilbert  (United States), International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN);
  • Enkhsaikhan Jargalsaikhan (Mongolia), Chairman, Blue Banner. Former Mongolia Ambassador to the UN;
  • Robin  Collins (Canada) Co-Chair of the Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons;
  • Uta Zapf (Germany), Former Chair of the German Parliament Subcommittee on Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation;
  • Rosemarie Pace (USA), Co-coordinator, Pax Christi New York State;
  • Jan Hoekema  (Netherlands), President of Pugwash Netherlands,
  • Mohamed  Awad Aly (Egypt) Chairperson, Egyptian Green Party; 
  • Dr. Ikonomou Pantelis (Greece), Former International Nuclear Safeguards Inspector;
  • Egwuatu Onyejelem (Nigeria), National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies;
  • Général (ret) Francis Lenne (France), ICAN France and Mouvement de la Paix,
    and many more.
